This guide will help you take the right steps during your next website redesign so you can deliver a well-engineered customer experience that will help you meet your business goals.
Launching a new website is a complex project which involves multiple teams and skills. As a digital marketer, you will most probably be at the forefront of this process, so understanding the best practices is a must.
Download our 30-page guide and learn how to execute a successful website redesign and start generating more leads.
Key takeaways:
How to gather the right information before you start
What are the key things you need to plan for
How to successfully collaborate with the design and development teams
How to make sure your new website is ready for launch Tactics to improve the conversion rates of your website
Become better at communicating product value, understanding customer needs, and attracting new business.
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How to Choose and Evaluate a B2B Web Design Agency
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Choosing the right web agency is not an easy task as on the surface most look alike, but when it comes to underlying expertise there can be a significant difference which can affect how successful your partnership is.
In this practical guide we have included tips that will help you shorten the evaluation process and help you make sure you find the right partner.
Key learnings:
Understand the value of each step of the ideal redesign process so you can ask the right questions during your evaluation
How to use the Magic vs Logic principal to evaluate agency fit
What are the additional services to look for based on your business goals